Monday, 2 December 2013


A portrait of my children every week for a year.

Esther: Here she is catching her food, as she does when she decides not to wear a bib. Esther's favourite foods are banana and pasta, and she has recently become crazy about strawberries. And prunes actually, both my kids love them.

Reuben: Here he is watching Grandad blowing an egg. He has some fantastic phrases at the moment, such as, "that'll see us through the week" - he could be referring to anything from apples to a new roll of sellotape. And tonight when I dropped a favourite plate he yelled and cried and through his tears said, "can we glue it together at any point?"


  1. precious! makes me laugh imagining R saying these :) E looks quite grown up taking charge of her own potential crumbs xx
